See you Iater.
A prostitute?
How am I a prostitute?
Member database security,
more so than ever
is increasingIy becoming
a major issue in maintaining
a company's market share.
AccordingIy, Rio Web SoIution Corp.
deveIoped the best security system
Cyber Protecter 7.7 with worId renown
Webpia Corp. in a strategic partnership.
Hey, Mr. Park!
AbsoIute home-run.
Thanks to you.
Dinner's on me tonight.
Oh wait, I think someone's
waiting for you at the rooftop.
-At the rooftop?
Did you gentIemen Iook for me?
-Piss ass.
-What are you doing?
Take it easy guys.
Why are you hitting me?
PIease Iet me go.
I'm sorry. Whatever I did to you,
I won't ever do it again.
What are you sorry for?
I'm not exactIy sure.
Say that again bitch.
Why don't I take care of him?