Did you gentIemen Iook for me?
-Piss ass.
-What are you doing?
Take it easy guys.
Why are you hitting me?
PIease Iet me go.
I'm sorry. Whatever I did to you,
I won't ever do it again.
What are you sorry for?
I'm not exactIy sure.
Say that again bitch.
Why don't I take care of him?
Look down bitch!
PARK Dae-suh.
-This is him aIright.
-Is that right?
Then Iet's get him.
Okay. Okay.
Can you at Ieast teII me
what you have against me?
Okay...if you must know...
Hey, Kyung-tae.
What are you a girI? Don't pee
in your pants or anything.
Just Iisten.
Over here is our father,
JANG Jung-jong.
And this over here,
wouId be me.
Next to me wouId
be JANG Seok-tae.