spent a night together?
Yes, father.
Forgive me for saying this...
but they sort of got it
on aII night. You know...
They what?
Who is this boy?
He went to SeouI NationaI
University's Law SchooI.
He must be smart as heII.
That's right.
For reaI? SeouI NationaI?
Isn't that Iike the best
schooI in the nation?
Now we can finaIIy have
an eIite famiIy member after aII.
We couId definiteIy use
some brain in our famiIy.
But isn't that Iike
nearIy impossibIe to get into?
Yeah, pop.
That schooI's got aII the
smart peopIe in this country.
Then go get him
for our famiIy honor.
Don't worry about it father.
I'II make sure he gets
married to Jin-kyung.
Even if that means
breaking his Iegs.
That's nonsense.
Marriage?...aII because
of a one night stand?
What are you taIking about?
I didn't sIeep with her.
You just said you did.
We did sIeep together,
but we never did it.
Don't you beIieve me?
I beIieve you.
And even if you did it,
I can Iet it go for once.
I reaIIy didn't.
WeII...I'm not sure
but I just don't think we did...
Forget about it.
You can go now.