I'II make sure he gets
married to Jin-kyung.
Even if that means
breaking his Iegs.
That's nonsense.
Marriage?...aII because
of a one night stand?
What are you taIking about?
I didn't sIeep with her.
You just said you did.
We did sIeep together,
but we never did it.
Don't you beIieve me?
I beIieve you.
And even if you did it,
I can Iet it go for once.
I reaIIy didn't.
WeII...I'm not sure
but I just don't think we did...
Forget about it.
You can go now.
-Hey, brother!
Forgot my voice aIready?
It's me, JANG In-tae.
Jin-kyung's brother.
My father wants to see you.
So if you'II come down to Yeo-soo...
Guess got disconnected.
Anyway, I said some
nice things about you.
So my father is eager to meet you.
So why don't you come down
to Yeo-soo?