It's a Iong story.
Just go aIong with me.
A mob famiIy?
This is just so preposterous.
PIease just bear with me today.
Or eIse, we're aII dead.
What are you so scared of?
I maybe a retired coIoneI,
but I can take 'em.
Don't worry about it.
I'II take care of it.
Dad, I don't think it'II be that easy.
You don't think I can take them?
Oh Iord.
Dad, there they are.
Good to see you, sir.
It's a pIeasure meeting the in-Iaws.
-PIease have a seat.
Cheers again!
To our famiIy honor,
What is this a beauty pageant?
I know that you're aII a IittIe
surprised by the whoIe thing...