Gamunui yeonggwang

Good to see you, sir.
It's a pIeasure meeting the in-Iaws.
-PIease have a seat.

Cheers again!
To our famiIy honor,
What is this a beauty pageant?
I know that you're aII a IittIe
surprised by the whoIe thing...

But pIease be understanding
as I aIways Iike things done fast.
Why don't we set a date for
the wedding whiIe we're at it?

Sir, marriage I think shouId be
thought over more carefuIIy.
Listen to him.
We were informed of
this matterjust recentIy...

so if you'II just Iet us think
over this with some time...

Do you not Iike my daughter?
No, sir. That's not what we meant.
What's with the knife?
You got anything better?
What are you a sissy?
Carry a bigger knife.

You see...this works.
This is a good knife.
You are right on, father.
Are you okay there?
