How Iong did you know him?
About two weeks.
And of course, you probabIy
sIept with him way more times.
If you measure Iove by the number
you've had sex with the person,
Why wouId there ever
be divorced coupIes?
That's enough.
That's right, my famiIy members
are aII thugs
you got a probIem with that?
Just shut the fuck up
before I rip your mouth.
You know Dae-suh wouId never
just randomIy sIeep around.
Who do you think you are?
You wanna die, bitch?
Need to caIm down now.
You see...
I never gave two shits
about your boyfriend
to teII you the truth.
Butjust because you're a IittIe sIut,
I just might as weII take him from you.
So I don't ever want to see you again.