before I rip your mouth.
You know Dae-suh wouId never
just randomIy sIeep around.
Who do you think you are?
You wanna die, bitch?
Need to caIm down now.
You see...
I never gave two shits
about your boyfriend
to teII you the truth.
Butjust because you're a IittIe sIut,
I just might as weII take him from you.
So I don't ever want to see you again.
You don't think this is too much?
I mean...couIdn't you find
a man on your own?
Stop pretending Iike
you're a goodie goodie.
Here in democracy,
I mean... what's up
with aII the vioIence?
If not smart, you shouId
at Ieast be nice.
If they use vioIence again,
I'm teIIing the poIice...
What was that for?