Accidentally funny?
See, l'm always doing weird
stuff and l don't even know it.
Just happens. And thus,
l'm accidentally funny.
Sam, nobody is normal all the time.
Look at me. l just noticed l've had
my shirt on inside out all day.
Yeah, but you know, l'm not
even normal some of the time.
You see? Would you look at this?
Case in point, right?
l have a fake wallet to keep in my
pants pocket in case l get mugged.
l keep my real money
crumpled up inside my sock.
This is odd? You know anyone else
in the entire world that does this?
- 0ne other.
- Who?
Me. That 's a really good idea.
Great. Now l'm contagious.
Sam, what made you enroll
on an Art School?
l sort of determined that all artists
are weird, so if l became one...
that l'd have an excuse
for my chronic strangeness.
You can see now why today
is my personal Waterloo.
ln less than an hour l've not only
found out l have no talent...
no future, no girlfriend...
but now l also have absolutely
no excuses for my eccentricities.
- What can l do to cheer you up?
- Nothing. There's nothing you can do.
Maybe l could start by cleaning
this ''snew'' off your shirt.
''Snew''? What 's ''snew''?
l don't now. What 's new with you?
What didSnow White sayto Pinocchio
whenshe wassittingonhis face?
''Lie to me! Lie to me!''
Hey, let 's make like a baby
and head out.
Let 's go.