Sam, what made you enroll
on an Art School?
l sort of determined that all artists
are weird, so if l became one...
that l'd have an excuse
for my chronic strangeness.
You can see now why today
is my personal Waterloo.
ln less than an hour l've not only
found out l have no talent...
no future, no girlfriend...
but now l also have absolutely
no excuses for my eccentricities.
- What can l do to cheer you up?
- Nothing. There's nothing you can do.
Maybe l could start by cleaning
this ''snew'' off your shirt.
''Snew''? What 's ''snew''?
l don't now. What 's new with you?
What didSnow White sayto Pinocchio
whenshe wassittingonhis face?
''Lie to me! Lie to me!''
Hey, let 's make like a baby
and head out.
Let 's go.
- You know what l think we should do?
- No.
Which window did you say
was your ex- girlfriend's?
l think it was that one.
You bastard! l'm gonna come down
there and cut your balls off!
Then l'm gonnashove them in your
mouth and make you eat them!
let me tellyou...
we hadalaughterthat wasmultiple,
- My number is 555...
- 0kay.
- 6344.
0kay, great.
Don't forget this. Your smile.
And thank you
for giving it back to me.