- You know what l think we should do?
- No.
Which window did you say
was your ex- girlfriend's?
l think it was that one.
You bastard! l'm gonna come down
there and cut your balls off!
Then l'm gonnashove them in your
mouth and make you eat them!
let me tellyou...
we hadalaughterthat wasmultiple,
- My number is 555...
- 0kay.
- 6344.
0kay, great.
Don't forget this. Your smile.
And thank you
for giving it back to me.
- That 's my ride.
- 0kay.
- Call me.
- Yeah, l will.
lhadto findHope.
So ltookajobasadeliveryguy.
Here's your order.
Hope probablywould've calledme
acuisine career.
Here's your...
but at least the joballowedme
to search forHope oneverycorner...
lmade throughout the city.
0h my God! l'm so sorry!
l'm gonna pull out. l mean, back out.