Man, we gottastop laughing.
l'm still recovering from
that Chinese puzzle!
lt hurts, doesn't it?
- ...HighSchool, where Mr. Delgado...
- Do you know her pager number?
l think it was like 555- 0068
or something. Why?
- Testing out your theory.
- No, Holden. Don't!
Give me that!
You know what your problem is, Sam?
You're pussy- whipped.
And you're not even getting any pussy.
This Tanya is treating you like scum
and you stand up for her...
because she makes your pecker
stand up. Give me the phone!
- No! Go screw yourself, man!
- Precisely.
That is the only way to stop awoman
from using your dick as astickshift...
and driving you around town
on a full tank of your hormones!
Take it from me, Sam.
l cannot tell you the number of times
a girl has got me to fix her car...
or paint her house or
take her husband to the airport!
Show them damn farmers market and
sit through the pain- in- the- ass opera.
- Shut up, Jason! Shut up!
- No, Jason's right.
Jason's a meathead, but he's right.
Now listen, Sam. l did all kinds of
these things because a guy's balls...
are the biggest reservoir of hope
this world has ever seen!
You know, trying to get laid by fixing
her fan belt is your fault, yours!
Sam, you're so full of man gravy!
Listen, you need to be more like me
and take matters into your own hands.
Why do you think
they call it ''masturbate''?
Because it allows you to be
the master of your own fate.
And it 's not just a physical release.
lt 's a release of women's
control over you! Jason!
You don't need them,
they can't manipulate you.
l'm doing this for your own good.
Today is your independence day, Sam!
...watchingsome amazingstory...
that... if... anyone...