Girl Fever

l think it 's best we say goodbye now.
l'm not gonna leave.
l'll stay out here forever
if l have to.

l heard you and Hope before.
l baked you this.
lt 's chocolate, my favorite.

- No, thanks.
- lt 'll make you feel better.

Really. Every time l was sad
l had one of these.

- Does it work?
- Worked for me hundreds of times.

You should keep it then.
Hello, my name is Annie,
l'm a chocoholic.

l've been cocoa free for
1 year, 3 months and 6 days.

l have a bite of this
and l'm an addict again!

0kay, l'm sorry. l forgot.
Let me get a taste here.

That 's good.
Did you know that chocolate
has the same chemical in it...

that your body produces
when you're in love?

- ls that true?
- l don't know for sure, l've...

never been in love before,
but that 's what they say.

- You have nice legs.
- No.

Please just stop looking at them.
Let me see your butt.
No, l don't want you to see my legs,
l'm not gonna let you see my butt!
