l heard you and Hope before.
l baked you this.
lt 's chocolate, my favorite.
- No, thanks.
- lt 'll make you feel better.
Really. Every time l was sad
l had one of these.
- Does it work?
- Worked for me hundreds of times.
You should keep it then.
Hello, my name is Annie,
l'm a chocoholic.
l've been cocoa free for
1 year, 3 months and 6 days.
l have a bite of this
and l'm an addict again!
0kay, l'm sorry. l forgot.
Let me get a taste here.
That 's good.
Did you know that chocolate
has the same chemical in it...
that your body produces
when you're in love?
- ls that true?
- l don't know for sure, l've...
never been in love before,
but that 's what they say.
- You have nice legs.
- No.
Please just stop looking at them.
Let me see your butt.
No, l don't want you to see my legs,
l'm not gonna let you see my butt!
No, it just occurred to me l never
checked out your butt for the scar.
- l don't have ascar.
- Come on, let me see your butt.
- lt 's not a big deal.
- Just stop it!
Don't worry, Annie.
No one is to look at your behind.
You can just let big strong guy like me
get in touch with Miss Sweet Cheeks.
That 's not fair, Mr. Hand
is to have all the fun!
That 's not true, Signor Chin.
Johnny 0ne- Eye is to have all the fun.
Correction, Sir Belly!
Johnny 0ne- Eye is a lot uptight,
he never gets to see the light of day.
You can't keep me in here forever!
l will rise again!
Johnny! l hate it when we're apart.
You are the Shakespeare
of Body Part Theater.