Open it.
This bastard must
really want to die.
Come on, let me go of me.
I got some stuff to sell.
I don't do that anymore.
Plus, it's too hot.
I see about 40 needle marks.
Your moth has gotten big.
It's a butterfly, not a moth.
Moth, my ass.
Go to do it or not?
Ten percent.
Only five, asshole.
Shit, you' re so stingy.
How many bones are in a head?
Twenty three.
Want me to make it 230 pieces?
Okay, let's see the stuff first.
Just worry about
making a call, asshole.
Shit, I told you not to call.
Think I'm calling
cause I want to, asshole?
What's up?
What else?
lsn't it obvious, idiot?
I got some stuff, and it's big.
3 kilos.
It's top quality, and you
have to get rid of it fast.
What? Of course,
it's a problem. Hold on.
He said he can't now.
If not, tell him he'll die.
If you don't,
he said you'll die. That's right.
What? Crackdown?
Think you're some pharmacist?
That always happens, idiot.
He said he can't now
cause of the crackdowns.
Fuck, tell him
I'm a cop, so it's okay.