Shit, I told you not to call.
Think I'm calling
cause I want to, asshole?
What's up?
What else?
lsn't it obvious, idiot?
I got some stuff, and it's big.
3 kilos.
It's top quality, and you
have to get rid of it fast.
What? Of course,
it's a problem. Hold on.
He said he can't now.
If not, tell him he'll die.
If you don't,
he said you'll die. That's right.
What? Crackdown?
Think you're some pharmacist?
That always happens, idiot.
He said he can't now
cause of the crackdowns.
Fuck, tell him
I'm a cop, so it's okay.
He said fuck, I'm a cop,
so it's okay. What?
He said to put you on.
Fuck you!
What the fuck did you say?
Hey, asshole!
Wait till I catch him.
I'll smash his head into pieces.
Fucking assholes.
Keep in touch.
Are you high?
Call me.
For all I care,
I'm quitting this business.
I said call me!
How can that asshole
be a cop?
That's all for this meeting.
Good work everyone.
Mr. Cho.
Can we have a talk?