Gyeolhoneun michinjishida

Why are you so Iate?
[ Skipped item nr. 9 ]
Hey, the bouquet!
You're not supposed to do that

Come here you IittIe brat
You foIks are here

- Ain't this IittIe Wonny boy?
- You shouId say heIIo to him Won

You've grown so much
How oId are you?

How oId are you?
It's great that you're doing so much
for the wedding. It must be a handfuI for you

- Don't mention it...mother's over there
- Okay

- CongratuIations
- It's such a pIeasure to see you aII

- You must be thriIIed. CongratuIations
- Thanks

When I received the invitation
I thought it was the eIder one

What can I say... they surprised me too
You're a bit
disappointed though, aren't you?

WeII, the second one's aIready married
Besides, I don't think
peopIe care these days

But stiII, it's not the same
We'II see you Iater
Good to see you
So, when wiII we hear
the big news from you Professor?

- I'II see you Iater
- Sure. Take care

You hoIding up okay there?
It's not Iike I'm getting married
You remember
Kyu-jin's brother, don't you?

Don't forget, 3 o'cIock sharp
And, don't fuck it up
PIeasure seeing you Mrs. Kim
Nice seeing you too, Kyu-jin
You must be very excited
ActuaIIy, I'm stressed
out about Joon-young

Why don't you set
him up with a nice girI?

ActuaIIy, I'm setting him up
on a bIind date today as we speak

- ReaIIy?
- Yes

Who might this be?
She's my girIfriend's cIose friend
and she's very nice
That's great
You shouId convince him to stay with her
He Iistens to you
- I wouIdn't worry too much
- Okay
