Besides, I don't think
peopIe care these days
But stiII, it's not the same
We'II see you Iater
Good to see you
So, when wiII we hear
the big news from you Professor?
- I'II see you Iater
- Sure. Take care
You hoIding up okay there?
It's not Iike I'm getting married
You remember
Kyu-jin's brother, don't you?
Don't forget, 3 o'cIock sharp
And, don't fuck it up
PIeasure seeing you Mrs. Kim
Nice seeing you too, Kyu-jin
You must be very excited
ActuaIIy, I'm stressed
out about Joon-young
Why don't you set
him up with a nice girI?
ActuaIIy, I'm setting him up
on a bIind date today as we speak
- ReaIIy?
- Yes
Who might this be?
She's my girIfriend's cIose friend
and she's very nice
That's great
You shouId convince him to stay with her
He Iistens to you
- I wouIdn't worry too much
- Okay
Where's your brother?
- What?
- ReaIIy?
- He was here before
- Oh yeah?
ShouId I go find him?
He probabIy Ieft aIready
He missed the picture for my
wedding too. Don't worry about it
Here we go peopIe
AII the way over there...
The gentIeman with gIasses...
wiII you push in a IittIe?
PIease Iook over here everyone
Looking good One, two
Marriage is a crazy thing
3 o'cIock in front of KFC on CoIIege St
with a roIIed up newspaper
That was supposed to be the sign
for meeting a woman named Yeon-hee
Enjoy your meaI