Who are you taIking about?
The guy that was
next to you with the newspaper
Oh that guy...
ActuaIIy he was okay
ReaIIy? No way
- You know him?
- I met him Iast night on the internet
He insisted on meeting me
so I was gonna weigh out
you two and choose
Was he reaIIy good Iooking?
That reaIIy sucks, huh?
ProbabIy shouId've met with him, right?
He caIIed himseIf a stud
SupposedIy an engineer
and even owns a store or something
He even seemed rather innocent
Said he was seriousIy on a mission...
to find his mate on the internet
So why were you so Iate?
I missed the bus
ShouId've caught that one
What kind of a Ioser Iooks
for his mate on the internet?
I couId be on a date with that
hot KFC girI too if it weren't for you
KFC girI?
- Was she pretty?
- Sure
She had her hair tied back with a hat on
She was much younger
and prettier than you actuaIIy
What if...
You ended up with that other guy...