Said he was seriousIy on a mission...
to find his mate on the internet
So why were you so Iate?
I missed the bus
ShouId've caught that one
What kind of a Ioser Iooks
for his mate on the internet?
I couId be on a date with that
hot KFC girI too if it weren't for you
KFC girI?
- Was she pretty?
- Sure
She had her hair tied back with a hat on
She was much younger
and prettier than you actuaIIy
What if...
You ended up with that other guy...
and me with the KFC girI?
What do you think
wouId've happened then?
Are you sIeeping?
Guess you'd be sIeeping
in the next room with that girI
Anything better than that?
Then you'd be asking her
the same exact question
What do you think
wouId've happened to me
if I went on a bIind date as pIanned?
The main character ofthis poem Prufrock
...is a cynicaI character with
a rather strong sense of seIf
ShouId I just suck it up and propose?
No...it's not worth doing
Yet, great poetry is made possibIe
by these personaI and triviaI daydreams