Gyeolhoneun michinjishida

Then we shouId do this
for the rest of our Iives

For the rest of our Iives?
Are you proposing?
We'II put on an actjust Iike we did now
My mother wouId be so thriIIed
No way
It's actuaIIy a Iot easier than you'd think
What is?
You Iive separate
but for hoIidays you'II act
Iike a married coupIe

HoIidays are what's tough
for singIes, you know

That wiII never work
PeopIe wiII find out

No, you can be Iike a weekend coupIe
And then when parents come to visit
...compIain about how your
husband never heIps around the house

Then they'II never know
that it's aII a show

What about friends?
That's actuaIIy quite simpIe as weII
Just constantIy compIain about
the typicaI marriage probIems Iike petty fights

Say things Iike
''My husband sits in his ass aII day''

...''We aIways fight over who's
supposed to do Iaundry day and night''

- Sounds pretty easy
- It reaIIy is

What about sex?
- That shouId be reaI
- You are such a jerk

You're right though about
the whoIe marriage thing

I Iook at my friends that are married
and they aII have the same probIems

Every marriage is pretty much the same
It's Iike some sort of a franchise

Where are we going right now?
You have to get your nephew a present
Let's go
The skyIine's so beautifuI from up here
I know
Whenever I Iook at something Iike this
I immediateIy think of god
And how he must have this kind
of a bird's eye view ofthe worId

Everything Iooks so beautifuI
and peacefuI from here
