I Iost a turtIe
I Iooked aII over, but can't find it
ShouId I buy you another one?
I'm just saying that I Iost one
One out ofthe five
Ifyou Iose aII five, caII me
I'II buy you aII five of 'em again
How have you been?
Not too good
Just waited for the turtIes to die
I'm serious
Whenever I had extra time
I wouId Iean over
the tank and stare at them
Then my nephew
wouId waIk by and ask
''What are you doing uncIe Joon?''
And I wouId answer
''I'm waiting for the turtIes to die''
So what's up?
Thought I wouId never
hear back from you
I was just around here for
a chore and remembered your number