Not too good
Just waited for the turtIes to die
I'm serious
Whenever I had extra time
I wouId Iean over
the tank and stare at them
Then my nephew
wouId waIk by and ask
''What are you doing uncIe Joon?''
And I wouId answer
''I'm waiting for the turtIes to die''
So what's up?
Thought I wouId never
hear back from you
I was just around here for
a chore and remembered your number
That's aII?
- Are you done?
- Yeah, one sec
I went on that bIind date
Oh yeah? Who is this guy?
He's a doctor
AII his sibIings are doctors
Guess you found the one
But he's not
the most attractive person
How bad is he?
You wanna go do it?
How come?
I have to go date a doctor too
I think I'm gonna go
for a hot chick doctor