Forget about the ones
that aren't weaIthy
Cause you wouId never
be abIe to give up financiaI freedom
Who are you to say?
If I were in your shoes
I wouIdn't be abIe to give it up either
I'm taking 'em out
I'm going to choose from two
CongratuIations. Pick a date then
I haven't decided yet
if I wanna go with you or the doctor
It'II never work with me
so pick a date with that doctor guy
Do you reaIIy have
no intention of marrying me?
It's not you. It's me
What do you mean?
TaIk to me
I just don't know if I can Iive with
someone and have to Iie aII the time
Wish we couId just
go away somewhere
Thank you
Maybe I won't get married