I just don't know if I can Iive with
someone and have to Iie aII the time
Wish we couId just
go away somewhere
Thank you
Maybe I won't get married
Why? Is he that bad in bed?
Did he ask for
money for his practice?
He has a huge moIe under his eye
and I can't handIe it
I'm serious
We've been fighting
aII week because ofthat
I mean...this was a fight
on something terribIy stupid
So imagine what wouId happen
when we have to agree on
what to buy for our house
It's gonna take months to settIe aII the issues
we need to go over before marriage
He aIso wanted to
get married in WooIsan
because his reIatives
happen to Iive there
Does that make sense to you?
Maybe I shouId reaIIy
reconsider this marriage