Baby, calm down.
It's all good. Just relax.
I got it all under control.
There was this Firebird
parked in front of the house.
Totally about to ruin
the establishing shot...
but I called a tow truck.
Yep, it's on its way.
All righty. Bye.
Look at you, Charley.
That's a nice angle, boy.
Look, there he is now.
All right, here we go.
Mr. Harris!
Can we ask you
a few questions, Mr. Harris?
-Right over here.
-I got one word for you.
-What's that?
-Product placement.
-Oh, yeah?
Product placement,
I like the sound of that.
While we're going
around the house...
discovering the secrets
of Michael Myers...
we could be drinking Pepsi
or sporting The Gap, right?
Nice sexy thinking.
I kind of like that.
How's everyone doing
this evening?
We'll get it started
like this, see?
In the next ten minutes...
we are going to enter
a mystery...
wrapped up inside of a riddle
inside of an enigma.
Now, remember this.
Everything you see...
absolutely everything
you see is real.
There's no actors...
none of the components
or contents in the house...
have been messed with,
mixed up, diluted...
or tampered with in any shape,
form, or fashion whatsoever.
Now, I'm not exactly sure
what's gonna happen...
but what I do know is
that no one will be allowed...
to leave
until the show is over.
Our state-of-the-art
camera surveillance system...