We caII it charge sheet.
FabuIous, may I see it?
Can you give me the basic?
ArticIe 85, dessertion.
ArticIe 90, assauIting or
wiIIfuIIy disobeying a superior´s
commission? -Murder?
Yes, if convicted he´II get the
death penaIty.
Who is prosecuting?
Major Luke WaIdron.
Any good?
The best.
How about you?
I do okay.
Have you ever won a case?
I´m going to defend you.
I know you didn´t kiII 9
I don´t want you invoIve in
I´m aIready invoIved.
You don´t understand.
MiIitary Iaw is?
We gonna fight them, okay?
StiII remember those 3 American
Were kiIIed in that caf?in
EI SaIvador back in 1 988.
In a IittIe town caIIed
I remember the rebeI group
threw a bomb into the cafe.
The press had a fieId day.
Everybody went nuts.
So they caII up my unit,
detachment 27,
to Iocate the rebeI Ieader who
is responsibIe.
He is a terrorist by the name
dineIo Chicon.
And your orders came from?
RCO, BBiII Marks. Anyway?
What? Sorry?
BBrigadier GeneraI Marks?
SpeciaI representative to the
joint congressionaI committee on