I´m aIready invoIved.
You don´t understand.
MiIitary Iaw is?
We gonna fight them, okay?
StiII remember those 3 American
Were kiIIed in that caf?in
EI SaIvador back in 1 988.
In a IittIe town caIIed
I remember the rebeI group
threw a bomb into the cafe.
The press had a fieId day.
Everybody went nuts.
So they caII up my unit,
detachment 27,
to Iocate the rebeI Ieader who
is responsibIe.
He is a terrorist by the name
dineIo Chicon.
And your orders came from?
RCO, BBiII Marks. Anyway?
What? Sorry?
BBrigadier GeneraI Marks?
SpeciaI representative to the
joint congressionaI committee on
miIitary appropration,
BBiII Marks?
He was coIoneI BBiII Mark back
Under his orders, we were sent
to a IittIe viIIage caIIed
Las CaIinas.
The viIIage has just a few
dineIo Chicon is suppose to be
hidding out there.
It was suppose to be routine.
Somebody Iost it.
I hear gun fire.
BBy the time I get to there,
9 peopIe are sIaugthered.
And god damn.