miIitary appropration,
BBiII Marks?
He was coIoneI BBiII Mark back
Under his orders, we were sent
to a IittIe viIIage caIIed
Las CaIinas.
The viIIage has just a few
dineIo Chicon is suppose to be
hidding out there.
It was suppose to be routine.
Somebody Iost it.
I hear gun fire.
BBy the time I get to there,
9 peopIe are sIaugthered.
And god damn.
They were aII women, men, kids,
and I Iost it.
I jumped the guy who did it..
And the next thing I know, I´m
Iooking at first degree, 9 specs.
Who did it?
Jimmy Hernandez.
He ordered me to keep my mouth
He said he was teaching them a
Iesson and Mark wiII back him up
I toId them to go to heII.
Major Hernandez?
Marks´s top aide?
He introduced himseIf to me
yesterday in the waiting area.
CIaire, I want you to Iisten to
I want you to stay away from
He is extremeIy dangerous,
do you understand?
GeneraI Marks, he is Iike the
most decorated most powerfuI?
And you´re saying you were
framed by GeneraI Marks and his