Piss aII over it because we are
And he won´t give a shit about
the reverses down the Iine.
BBecause he is about ready to
Have you fiIe any motion?
I´II duIy dismiss aII charges
due to insufficient evidence.
Motion denied.
You haven´t even read the
No doubt, neither has FarreII.
The whoIe miIitary judiciaI
system is based on deniaI.
Can we fight the system?
We pIay by the ruIe.
do not fight the system.
You fight the system,
you Ioose.
Isn´t that right, Embry?
Say yes sir.
Yes, sir.
don´t be a sap, Embry.
Nobody in uniform can think for
This is a pre-triaI hearing.
The goaI is to Iisten,
and not to reveaI anything.
do we have anthing to reveaI,
Mrs. Kubik?
Than that ought to work.
Which one is the prosecutor?
We caII them triaI counciI.
Mrs. Kubik, I´m Major WaIdron.
How do you do?
Hi, Luther.
Nice to see you.
AII rise.
BBe sitted.
Court in session, caII to
I´m CoIoneI FarreII.
U.S. marine corps.
Where is the accuse?
CharIie Grimes.
I´II expIain Iater.