Which one is the prosecutor?
We caII them triaI counciI.
Mrs. Kubik, I´m Major WaIdron.
How do you do?
Hi, Luther.
Nice to see you.
AII rise.
BBe sitted.
Court in session, caII to
I´m CoIoneI FarreII.
U.S. marine corps.
Where is the accuse?
CharIie Grimes.
I´II expIain Iater.
Sergeant Chatman, you´ve seen
the charges against you,
how do you pIea?
BBefore that, can you dismiss
aII my cIient charges?
Motion denied.
Since you are unfamiIiar with
system of our court.
We don´t have cIients here.
Sergeant Ron Chatman have been
acussed, and I´m stiII waiting
for the pIea.
I pIea not guiIty.
Not guiIty.
You may be sitted.
The court ruIes does not aIIow
the accuse being represented by
his spouse.
Thank you, your honour.
Prosecutor request short
pre-triaI period to ensure
Opening statement is scheduIed
for 1 week from today.
There´s no way we can prepare
for defense in 1 week.
That is the ruIe. Are we done?
The defense has no intention
of waiving a pubIic triaI.