-Is that my phone?
-Go to heII.
Another one.
Yes I´II hoId for Major
HeIIo, Major.
We´II be there.
I can´t beIieve it.
They want a deaI.
I Iove being a wiId card.
VoIuntary mansIaugther is onIy
one specification,
and onIy 5 years.
PIus one condition you sign a
non-discIosure agreement.
As your counciI I?
TeII the man to take the deaI
of the century.
I won´t do 5 minutes for the
crime I didn´t commit.
do you have any idea any of
do you have any idea what it´s
Iike to spend 23 hours a day in
a 6 by 8 ceII?
5 years, they´II make sure I´m
dead Iong before that.
Motion denied.
Come on in.
BBased on our conversation?
We here to teII you we´re gonna
Thanks anyway.
PersonaIIy I´m quite happy to
go to triaI with this case.
There´s a Iot of interest
in putting this behind us.
They work for everyone.
Command and your husband.
And Major Hernandez and
GeneraI Marks.
See you in court, sir.