5 years, they´II make sure I´m
dead Iong before that.
Motion denied.
Come on in.
BBased on our conversation?
We here to teII you we´re gonna
Thanks anyway.
PersonaIIy I´m quite happy to
go to triaI with this case.
There´s a Iot of interest
in putting this behind us.
They work for everyone.
Command and your husband.
And Major Hernandez and
GeneraI Marks.
See you in court, sir.
So, no deaI.
Can you beIieve I ask my
husband to do 5 years in prison?
Go ahead?
teII me what a waste of
oxygen aII Iawyers are.
You are curiousIy quiet on the
Jackie, wouId you pIease turn
that down? I mean come on?
Your husband came to my viIIage
and kiIIed my famiIy.
And it´s true.
Lawyers are a waste of oxygen.
drop this deaI.