So, no deaI.
Can you beIieve I ask my
husband to do 5 years in prison?
Go ahead?
teII me what a waste of
oxygen aII Iawyers are.
You are curiousIy quiet on the
Jackie, wouId you pIease turn
that down? I mean come on?
Your husband came to my viIIage
and kiIIed my famiIy.
And it´s true.
Lawyers are a waste of oxygen.
drop this deaI.
He went out!
CIaire, are you okay?
It´s Hernandez.
We turn down their deaI and
they try to scare us.
You don´t know how this peopIe
I don´t know how any of those
What do you mean?
This ther Iife of your.
You don´t beIieve me do you?
Of course I beIieve you.
I´II take a poIygraf.
It´s not even admissibIe in
To heII with the court.
I want to do it for us.
Hey, Ron.
Or Tommy, or whatever it is?