And Lieutenant CoIoneI?
Were there any eyewitnesses to
this massacre?
We have 7 eyewitnesses´
AII saying Ron is the shooter.
Thank you.
Nothing further, your honour.
You were and stiII are speciaI
agent in charge of this
criminaI investigation?
That´s correct.
So, when you said the
investigation were not fIawed,
you basicaIIy were giving
yourseIf a big thumb up.
I am just expressing my
So heIp you God, no doubt.
Is it possibIe that this
witnesses were coached before
you got your hands on them?
I guess it is possibIe.
BBut unIikeIy.
And are you aware that 2 of the
witnesses were subsequentIy
kiIIed in combat?
Yes, I´m aware of that.
And another 3 reIativeIy young
men have die as weII?
That was Lieutenant AIan,
hit and run.
Sergeant Spencer,
accidentaI drowning.
And the other the unfortunate
mountain cIimbing faII.
That sounds right.
-does it?
That is interesting.
I just made up those causes of
I mean there were no
accidentaI drowning,