I am just expressing my
So heIp you God, no doubt.
Is it possibIe that this
witnesses were coached before
you got your hands on them?
I guess it is possibIe.
BBut unIikeIy.
And are you aware that 2 of the
witnesses were subsequentIy
kiIIed in combat?
Yes, I´m aware of that.
And another 3 reIativeIy young
men have die as weII?
That was Lieutenant AIan,
hit and run.
Sergeant Spencer,
accidentaI drowning.
And the other the unfortunate
mountain cIimbing faII.
That sounds right.
-does it?
That is interesting.
I just made up those causes of
I mean there were no
accidentaI drowning,
no mountain cIimbing faII.
I do have the detaiIs about
these tragic deaths.
IncIuding a fataI home invasion
robbery. Look at them.
I´m a IittIe fuzzy on the
I wasn´t in charge in those
No further question.
My investigation was strictIy..
-No further question.
-CIaire, it´s CharIie.
You know the witness in Tom´s
unit that was murdered?
Yeah, home invasion robbery.
He was kiIIed right in front of
his wife.
And she acussed that the
miIitary had invoIved.
WiII she taIk to us?
The probIem is, she disappear
right after that.