no mountain cIimbing faII.
I do have the detaiIs about
these tragic deaths.
IncIuding a fataI home invasion
robbery. Look at them.
I´m a IittIe fuzzy on the
I wasn´t in charge in those
No further question.
My investigation was strictIy..
-No further question.
-CIaire, it´s CharIie.
You know the witness in Tom´s
unit that was murdered?
Yeah, home invasion robbery.
He was kiIIed right in front of
his wife.
And she acussed that the
miIitary had invoIved.
WiII she taIk to us?
The probIem is, she disappear
right after that.
Is this a bad time?
I was thinking we couId go over
to Hernandez´s cross.
I was just taking a break.
Going over Hernandez´s stuff
PIease don´t be mad.
It wasn´t him, it was aII me.
This doesn´t affect anything,
My work ´m totaIIy up for it.
Yes. We were just going over
his briefs.
You never can take anything
seriousIy, can you?
Nothing! Ever!
-Oh, yeah. That´s right.
You got to be a Iawyer,
I got to bang one, right?