Hollywood Ending

Oh, th-th-that's great.
Th-Th-That's just great.

You know, l-I love peter.
peter's a beautiful guy.

- [Stammering]
God bless him. l, uh...
- Val!

Val, the client wants
more overhead coverage
of the spray cans.

One minute.
Lori, this is humiliating.

l-I'm up here shooting
a deodorant commercial.
I got two Oscars.

Up here, you don't
need Oscars. You need antlers.

[Hal Chuckles]
Here's a funny script about two
kids in a college fraternity...

who invent a machine
that can turn women
back into virgins again.

It's very clever.
What's the matter?

You know, when you asked me
to come out here for you,
you promised me...

that I wasn't just going
to be one of those bright women
who-who finds properties...

and goes to lunch 500 times
developing them,
and then never gets one made.

The City That Never Sleeps
is green-lit.

- That's been your project
from day one.
- Yeah, sure.

Until I suggest the director.
And then even though you admit
he'd be perfect for it...

- I get shot down.
- You didn't get shot down, honey.

I know that
that's a risky choice,
but it's an inspired choice.

I think you're
trying to help him
because you feel guilty.

Guilty? Why should
I feel guilty? Because
I fell in love with you?

I mean, God knows
I put enough years
in that marriage.

- That's right. You did
absolutely nothing wrong.
- I know.

I brought up his name
because... [Sighs]

because he would give you
the best movie
for that script.

- Nobody argued that.
- He's probably so angry
he won't even speak to you.

And he's liable
to ruin the picture
just to get even with me.

No. You're wrong about that.
I'm telling you, you're wrong.
He would be grateful.

- He needs a comeback, and...
- Ellie, this is a very, very
expensive film.

It's got solid
box-office potential.

He can do it.
You don't regret
leaving him, do you?

You know, one day
you look up and you realize
that laughs are not enough.

I can handle him, Hal.
I just got tired
of having to all the time.
