Where did you learn
to do drugs?
From you. You took
all those tranquilizers
and mood elevators.
There's a big difference
between that and breaking
into a drugstore...
so you can buy hashish.
Those days are over.
They were very stupid.
I-I... You know,
what happened to us?
How did we grow
so far apart?
I... You know, we used
to do things together.
We were... We were...
God, you know,
I played with you.
I took you fishing.
- I didn't wanna go fishing.
- I didn't take you
against your will.
Then, you wanted
to go fishing.
You wanted
to learn the violin.
I got you a violin.
That led me to the drums.
Yes, but how did
violin go to the drums?
- That I've never understood.
- It's music.
Hey, an electronic band
where you rip off your shirt...
and eat a live rat
is not music.
We sold out that concert.
And don't call it
a concert.
Heifetz at Carnegie Hall
is a concert.
If there's a brownout,
Heifetzwill still be on key...
but your guitar player
won't be.
You come here to knock me?
I came to...
hold out
an olive branch.
An olive branch?
What is this,
the Israeli parliament?
I'm your son.
I know you're my son.
That's what I'm saying.
I want us to-to, you know...
to get back together again...
to-to-to, you know...
to go fishing.
- I hate fishing.
- I don't mean literally
go fishing in water.
I-I-I-I, you know...
I'm saying that I love you
despite the orange hair...
and the nose rings
and the nipple rings and the tattoos.
It's no wonder
I went blind.
Can I help it
if I took a quantum leap
from your values?
What's wrong with my values?
I don't understand.
I was nice
to your mother.
I-I-I-I-I didn't
steal anything.
I never consumed
any rodents.
How is your mother,
She's great.
They're in Rio.
She has no trouble
accepting me.