There's a big difference
between you and me
and I'm not talking
about the obvious.
See, me, I ghost in
and ghost out of the city.
You, the ESA will pick you off
at the first census post.
You're going to strip
my CimCode?
Like I said, take it off.
He's going to need a knockout.
I don't have that much.
Whatever you got,
keep it topical.
Already got enough shit in me
to embalm a horse.
Mercury Pentothal, my guess.
Hmm, powerful drug.
Give you bad dreams.
I've noticed.
You got anything
to flush it with?
Adrenozine, maybe,
but if we had that
this would be a real hospital,
and, uh, I'd be a real doctor.
Watch his spinal cord.
( grunts )
You sure you don't want
to be out for this?
Oh, shit.
This hurts.
( grunts )
( sighs )
now nobody's going to know you
when you're visiting.
( high-pitched humming )
( skin sizzling )
( patient coughing )
( machinery beeping )
( man coughing )
Hey, put this on.
And get rid of that G-coat.
No, I'll, uh...
I'll hold on to it.
Could be useful.