
Dormer here.
- Hello?
- "Can't sleep, Will?"

Me neither.
Who's this?
I got a nap this afternoon,
but I guess you had to work.

Who am I speaking to?
Get rid of your clock yet?
Won't help.

When I moved here, I went
five nights. You believe that?

- "This crazy light."
- A name or I'm gonna hang up.

No, you're not. You need the company.
Nothing as lonely as not sleeping.

Feels like the whole fucking planet
is deserted. Just you and me.

...tell me who I'm talking to,
and we can chat a while.

- "I can't do that."
- Why not?

- "Not till you understand some things."
- Like what?

I saw.
- Saw what?
- "Saw you shoot your partner."

Saw him die in your arms
on that beach.

I thought you'd blame me.
That's why I dropped my gun.

- "My uncle's old.38."
- Yeah.

- "You get it? What about ballistics?"
- Listen to me now.

I don't know what you think you saw.
We should discuss this,
don't you think? Face to face.

This situation isn't yours
to control. I saw you.

I'll control this situation, pal.
Because you don't hide from me
in a town this small. Get it?

No, not for long.
I need your help.
I'm not telling anyone anything.

We're partners on this.
