Ninety-eight-point-six and hoIding.
CeII reconstruction is compIete.
InternaI de-fib in three...
Easy. Easy.
VitaI signs are normaI and strong.
No shit.
Easy. Easy.
Oh, d-- Did ya get him?
Where is he?
TeII me you got him.
Got who?
Uh, n-n-n-no one's here.
You're s-safe with us.
There was a I-There was a Ieak
i-in the cryo-unit and....
Ho, was he contained?
It was contained.
But when the cryo-unit ruptured,
you didn'tescape it.
ltputyou into stasis.
For how Iong?
The year is twenty-four fifty-five.
Now, l-l-lknow this is
a huge shock...
butyou'regonna be safe here.
You're aboard GrendeI, a cIass-four,
catamaran transport ship.
We're on our wayback home and...
you'regonna bejustfine.
Twenty-four fifty-five?