Uh, n-n-n-no one's here.
You're s-safe with us.
There was a I-There was a Ieak
i-in the cryo-unit and....
Ho, was he contained?
It was contained.
But when the cryo-unit ruptured,
you didn'tescape it.
ltputyou into stasis.
For how Iong?
The year is twenty-four fifty-five.
Now, l-l-lknow this is
a huge shock...
butyou'regonna be safe here.
You're aboard GrendeI, a cIass-four,
catamaran transport ship.
We're on our wayback home and...
you'regonna bejustfine.
Twenty-four fifty-five?
That's over four hundred years.
Secure Iine. Perez, Dieter.
SoIaris Research Station. Connect.
Lowe. You bastard.
We've hit the mother Iode.
Do you know what time it is?
I don't care.
We've got a goIdmine.
A box of DVDs is not a goIdmine.
Now, I've toId ya, I can't move .
Just Iook at the fiIe.
Two four-hundred-year-oId frozen
specimens. One weII-preserved...
the other one. Are you ready for this?
Up and waIking around.
Four hundred years oId...
and waIkin' around.
Yeah. Four hundred and fifty-five
years, to be exact.
Who cares?
Who gives a shit?