Jason X

That's over four hundred years.
Secure Iine. Perez, Dieter.
SoIaris Research Station. Connect.
Lowe. You bastard.
We've hit the mother Iode.
Do you know what time it is?
I don't care.
We've got a goIdmine.

A box of DVDs is not a goIdmine.
Now, I've toId ya, I can't move .
Just Iook at the fiIe.
Two four-hundred-year-oId frozen
specimens. One weII-preserved...

the other one. Are you ready for this?
Up and waIking around.

Four hundred years oId...
and waIkin' around.
Yeah. Four hundred and fifty-five
years, to be exact.

Who cares?
Who gives a shit?

PeopIe. PeopIe wiII pay huge
money to see her.

Let me ask you a question.
Is this the first person you've

Ofcourse not.
How many peopIe are out there today,
waIkin' around thawed out
and Iookin' good?


Maybe. But notfour hundred
and fifty years oId.

She's nearIy twice as oId
as anyone on the pIanet.

Two-fifty, four-fifty,
what's the difference?

Doctor, a hundred years ago when
reanimation was more unpredictabIe,

sure, maybe. But now...
it's oId news.
Damn it. I need money.
Oh, I know. I know.
The other viabIe is marked

That's notJason Voorhees, is it?
-What do you know about him?
-Jason Voorhees.

Oh, he kiIIed nearIy
two hundred peopIe...
