It's gonna take more than a poke in
the ribs to put down this oId dog.
Yeah...that oughta do it.
Such a waste.
I toId him to stay caIm.
To wait untiI we got to SoIaris and
then we couId take care ofthis...
I said, ''Don't go in unprepared.''
Brodski wasjust too proud.
Who lockedthe damn door?
Somebody wanna teII me
what the heII is goin' on?
Grunts are dead.
-Which ones?
-AII of'em.
Oh. Oh, man.
Lou...how Iong tiII we reach SoIaris?
I'm takin' us out of hyperdrive
right now.
Kids and their goddamn fieId trips,
you know?