Jason X

I said, ''Don't go in unprepared.''
Brodski wasjust too proud.
Who lockedthe damn door?
Somebody wanna teII me
what the heII is goin' on?

Grunts are dead.
-Which ones?
-AII of'em.

Oh. Oh, man.
Lou...how Iong tiII we reach SoIaris?
I'm takin' us out of hyperdrive
right now.

Kids and their goddamn fieId trips,
you know?

Just bring a psycho on board.
Yeah, sure. I just know I'm gonna
get bIamed for this shit.

Solaris to Grendel,
we haveyou on approach.

Standby fordocking number.
GrendeI to SoIaris, we need
miIitary and medicaI at the gate.

We got a big probIem here.
ReaI goatfuck.

Grendel, what'syourproblem?
Look we're gonna be aII right.
He's trapped in the cargo bay.
We're Iocked up in here.

-Can the SoIaris grunts kiII him?

I've been in constant contact
with SoIaris.

They have sixty highIy trained
professionaIs standing...

by to get us offthis ship.
Solaris to Grendel, pull up.

You're coming in too
fast. Grendel--

What now?
-Warning. Prepare forimpact.
-Oh, shit. Hang on!

What's going on?
