Address is on the key chain.
Don't you know that's dangerous?
If you lose your keys,
whoever finds them
can just walk right
into your apartment.
But if somebody good finds them,
they'll know where you are.
Can I help you pack?
I would rather this
hadn't happened.
Hi, this is Dag.
And this is Halley.
We're not here now,
so leave a message.
No, erase that.
That's no good.
Don't erase it.
It's fine.
Hi, it's me.
I get off
in two and a half hours.
I'll see you then.
Oh, you should probably think
about taking her name
off of your machine.
A-ten hut!
All rise for the eagle.
Be seated.
Americans traditionally
Iove American Classic
Peanut Butter.
They love the crunch of Crunchy.
The smooth... of Smoothy.
I wouldn't give
a hot-diggity-damn
for any son of bitch
who didn't love
American Classic Peanut Butter.
I love the smell
of American Classic
Peanut Butter in the morning.
It smells like...