All he does all day
is drink fucking beer.
-Sits around all day drinking beer.
-He don't got a job?
Fuck no, he got fired
a couple months ago.
But it's always been that way.
Why don't you fucking hit him back?
Yeah, right.
Why the fuck not? One of my mom's
boyfriends started beating her
and I fucking just picked up a
bottle and busted it over his head.
Got glass in his fucking eyes.
I didn't give a fuck.
-What happened to your dad?
-Kind of like us.
He was just kicking it, the cops hit
him up and pretty much framed him.
He went to prison, he'd never been
to jail or anything.
He stayed there for like
three and a half years.
He came out and tried to straighten
his life out, got us apad and shit,
after that shit just fell apart,
drinking, turned into a diabetic.
He didn't take his insulin.
So he got fucking sick, hospital,
went into a coma for 6 months,
the doctors were saying
he's not gonna make it.
One day he just opened his eyes
and was like what is fucking up.
He started kicking it, started
getting better, I talked with him.
In 5days he knew everything that
was going on. Couple months went by,
he was ready to come home in 3 days,
learned how to walk and everything
then all of a sudden he just
fucking slid back in the coma
and then just right after that
he was fucking gone, you know?
Now it's like,
it kind of puts me
in a shitty situation.
Just seeing fucking different guys
coming in the house, you know.
Just fucking try to work shit out.
Now I see fucking kids out with
their dad, kicking it with friends.
Family dinners and shit, I don't
have any of that shit any more.
Just fucking go home, mom's working,
clean up the house, do the yard,
whatever needs to be done.
You know?
You know,