Ken Park

the doctors were saying
he's not gonna make it.

One day he just opened his eyes
and was like what is fucking up.
He started kicking it, started
getting better, I talked with him.

In 5days he knew everything that
was going on. Couple months went by,

he was ready to come home in 3 days,
learned how to walk and everything

then all of a sudden he just
fucking slid back in the coma

and then just right after that
he was fucking gone, you know?
Now it's like,

it kind of puts me
in a shitty situation.

Just seeing fucking different guys
coming in the house, you know.

Just fucking try to work shit out.
Now I see fucking kids out with
their dad, kicking it with friends.

Family dinners and shit, I don't
have any of that shit any more.

Just fucking go home, mom's working,
clean up the house, do the yard,

whatever needs to be done.
You know?
You know,
fucking try to appreciate your dad.
They're always assholes and shit

but besides that they're still
fucking there to take care of you.

I've got a surprise for you.
Peaches' report card.
She got...
I forgot my glasses.
I left them in the car.

She got five A's and one B plus.
The B plus was in English.
Peaches is such a good girl.
Maybe I should do something good
for her today, huh?
