- Oh, uh, I don't know. I do okay.
- Yeah?.
Actually, I just met
somebody pretty special.
Um, her name's Michelle.
And it's early, but--
- I don't know. It freels right.
- Charles.
I thought you were single.
Didn't you tell me that, honey?.
[Sighs ]
Uh, I thought so.
[ Charles ] I'm sorry.
Is this supposed to be a setup?
[Jessica ]
No, no. No way. Not a setup.
J ust-J ust a friendly dinner.
- Absolutely. J ust a group of friends.
- [Joan ] Yes.
Matthew and I just like
to have our friends know each other.
Well,you know,Jessica,
don't worry about it. I mean, it's--
We've all been through it.
It's just a jungle out there.
[Josh ]
Yeah, especially fror Stein. I mean,
she always has trouble meeting people
who are good enough for her.
Yeah. God, I wish
I hadyour luck,Josh.
I see you have no trouble
meeting people ofyour caliber.
You know, Stein, why don't you
cut yourself a break?.
It's obviously not the time
to be meeting someone anyway.
- Really?. What?. Not the season?.
- No.
It's just because you're
clearly not open to it.
Excuse me?. I'm sorry.
How would you know?.
Well, I do have
a little history to draw from.
But even ifl didn't,
you've known Charles here...
for about an hour,
and in that time...
you've insulted and dismissed
a panoply of men...
based on factors as reductive
as a linguistic misstep,
a different view from yours
on going Dutch, a kind reaction
toyour legendary lateness,
and a genuine interest
in yoga.
You know, I think
it was Anais Nin who said,
"We don't see things
as they are.
We see things
as we are."
[ Chuckles ]
Generally, I'm not much ofa Nin fan,
but I do feel that bit
sums you up to a "T",Stein.
So I don't think the problem's
with these poor men--
these freaks and morons,
as you put it.
I think the problem
is with you.